General News, The Father - 14 January, 2019
Sheikh Mohammed's 10 commandments of governance
His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai, took to Twitter on Monday to share his 10 commandments of governance as detailed in his latest book titled “Qissati” (My Story).
1-Serve people!
The purpose of the government is to serve the people, the purpose of a government job is to serve the community and the purpose of laws and regulations is to serve humans.
2-Don't worship the chair!
The job and responsibilities are temporary. You will lose them if you love the chair and prefer it over principles and your main purpose: Serving the people.
3-Have a plan!
Without a plan, you are planning for failure. The leader's main role is to know the direction and guide his team towards it, and to motivate them till they achieve their target.
4-Monitor yourself!
Monitor the performance in your institution. Have an inspector inside and a neutral one outside. Indicators are necessary because they ensure you are on the right path.
5-Make your work team!
Don't fly, sing or applaud alone. Make a team that carries your targets to new levels, give up some authority for them and raise their ambitions higher.
6-Innovate or withdraw!
Governments that don't innovate grow old. With ideas, we will beat all competitors. New economy is based on innovations. Nothing is stronger than great ideas.
Tell the world about your ambitions. With media, you can get public support. Announce your goals through the media because they will hold you accountable.
8-Always have competition!
Compete with yourself or others, and create a competitive working atmosphere. Competition should be a lifestyle in governments. Without it, enthusiasm and courage would disappear.
9-Create leaders!
Making leaders is a secret that is only understood by men who beat their egos and recognise that the greatest achievement is to build a human being, not bricks.
10-Change lives!
We are lucky because we work in governments, our job is the best thing in our life; it is our life! With it, we change the lives of millions for the better.